ProgressoR / Uzbekistan Progressive Rock Pages

SHORT REVIEWS: History of Updates - 2009; 2008

20.XII+ Slaves To Fashion - "Slaves to Fashion"
22.XI+ Ebony Tower - "Dead Planets New Stars"
25.X+ Mindmovie - "An Ocean of Dreams"
27.IX+ It - "Departure"
23.VIII+ Alex Carpani - "Waterline"
19.VII+ Its True Mentality - "ITM"
21.VI+ Prophexy - "Alconauta"
24.V+ To The Bone - "Against the Dead Hand"
26.IV+ Cary Clouser - "Finger Paintings"
22.III+ Termin Vox - "Evolution"
22.II+ Naked Mall Rats - "Somewhere on the Internet"
18.I+ King's X - "XV"

ProgressoR / Uzbekistan Progressive Rock Pages