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Hats Off Gentlemen It's Adequate - 2022 - "The Confidence Trick"

(68:07; Glass Castle Recordings)


TRACK LIST:                  

1. Silence Is a Statement 4:24
2. Back Where I Started 4:44
3. End of the Line 6:54
4. Perky Pat 6:03
5. World War Terminus 3:12
6. Pretending to Breathe 6:31
7. Another Plague 7:29
8. Refuge 10:23
9. Interlude 4:04
10. The Confidence Trick 6:31
11. Lava Lamprey 3:16
12. All Empires Fall 3:23
13. Cygnus 1:13


Malcolm Galloway - vocals, guitars, keyboards, synthesizers, programming
Mark Gatland - bass, guitars, keyboards, synthesizers, Chapman Stick, vocals
Kathryn Thomas - flute, vocals 

Prolusion. UK band Hats off Gentlemen It's Adequate have been a going entiety for well over a decade at this point, and started to release material back in 2012. They have been a productive entity ever since, with a number of EPs and full albums to their name at this point. "The Confidence Trick" is their sixth full length studio production, and was released through their own label Glass Castle Recordings in the summer of 2022.

Analysis. While this is a production that could be described in a few different manners, my stance is that the often atmospheric laden compositions here by and large will fall in somewhere under the neo-progressive umbrella. A description that perhaps isn't all that useful, but it does indicate a band that focus a bit more on moods and atmospheres and a bit less on the technical aspects, and I do believe that is a fitting description of the contents we are provided with here. Hence we have many compositions that revolve around more careful guitar and keyboard details, plucked notes and wandering piano motifs but also floating and surging keyboards, subtly majestic multilayered arrangements and haunting guitar and keyboard solo runs. While those are key aspects throughout, main composer Galloway does have a few more tricks up his sleeve too. We do get quite a few pieces that include some quirky instrument details here and there, one songs that has something of a chaotic, almost broken up flow with a possible jazz orientation, and one longer instrumental that skips back and forth between a few different modern takes on classical symphonic music before concluding on a grand but subtle majestic neo-progressive note. On another occasion we do get a few brief details pulled in from progressive electronic music to flavor the proceedings too. On some occasions the songs will turn darker in tone and texture, either by the use of a dominant bass line or due to darker toned guitar riffs invited in to create a different mood and atmosphere. Most songs will obviously contrast the more atmospheric sections with tighter and firmer passages too, with the contrast between the gentler and the firmer elements providing the nervbe and tension that makes the toal experience both captivating and satisfying. One might describe this as a slightly more refined take on the neo-progressive tradition I guess, with a bit more focus on subtle instrument details and well developed arrangements. This in contrast to the artists that explore this tradition with a closer alignment to more straight forward melodic rock. There are several compositions here that explore high quality, well developed and captivating neo-progressive rock, presenting the form, style and tradition at it's best, but the material also manages to maintain the accessible and captivating elements quite nicely indeed - with only a couple of compositions heading into waters that are quirkier, more challenging and arguably a bit more niche-oriented. The lead vocals can be a bit on the distinct side of things for some perhaps, and subjective taste will obviously dictate whether or not that is a strength.

Conclusion. In the case of this album, I'd say that this is a production that is more than adequate (referencing the band name). A strong and solid production providing plenty of variety within and at times a bit outside of the scope of the neo-progressive context and framework, a solid production through and through and with quite a few moments of brilliance. Hats Off Gentlemen It's Adequate have generally struck me as a solid band when I have explored their material, and this latest album of theirs might possibly be the peak of their achievements so far. An album easy to recommend to fans of neo-progressive rock and atmospheric laden progressive rock in general.

Progmessor: August 2022
The Rating Room

Related Links:

Hats Off Gentlemen It's Adequate


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