ProgressoR / Uzbekistan Progressive Rock Pages


Hydrogen Band - 2024 - "H2 Three"

(22:20: Hydrogen Band)


Here is the third in a series of releases from Hydrogen Band, the name given to Barney Jones (guitar, bell tree, tape machine, metal clarinet), Dave Newhouse (e piano, organ, bass clarinet, flute) and Bev Stephenson (synth, bell tree, organ, penny whistle) who recorded these sessions in 1980. Barney and Bev are no longer with us by Dave has worked in Ian Beabout to bring to life these old recordings and make them into something new. This time we have just one long track, "3 Eye", which is actually four sections edited together from two separate sessions, with some overlaps/fades. Given it is from the source, it is no surprise that this is a logical follow-on from the other two EPs in this series, with all three musicians heavily into experimental improvisation, going where the mood takes them. The different multi-instrumentalists switch between what they are playing with an almost hypnotic repetition on keyboards at times and is definitely one of those when if the listener is prepared to spend the time then they will be richly rewarded. It is not as immediate as the others, but Dave and Ian have worked hard on the tapes to create something which is cogent and with direction, as opposed to senseless meanderings - working through music in this way reminds me a great deal of Robin Taylor and some of his works with Taylor's Free Universe (if you enjoy either act then I highly suggest you check out the other), although the output is quite different. I do not know how much more material is available from these sessions but let us hope there is still more to come as this is both experimental and essential.

Progtector: February 2025

Related Links:

Dave Newhouse


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