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Ifsounds - 2025 - "Live in Teatro"

(84:17; Melodic Revolution Records)


This is somewhat unusual for a live album in that while it is being released in February 2025, it was only recorded on December 14th, 2024, at the "Antonio Di Iorio" Theater in Atessa. This means there has been no attempt to 'clean up' the recording by fixing any bum notes which is to be admired, but there is no doubt there are a few times over the 97 minutes when I think it might have been an idea to clean up a few of the vocals which just miss the mark. What we have here is the same line-up which recorded the 2023 release, "MMXX", and it is probably no surprise that they play the whole of that album given it is the only one this line-up have been involved with, and they bookend the concert with the opening and closing tracks so we start with a song which is more than 23 minutes in length and end with one which is nearly nine, with the other 12 all being somewhat shorter. Ifsounds have a long history, releasing their debut more than 20 years ago and their first four albums were released under the name If, including 2008's "Morpho Nestira" which was the first time I came across them. They have had quite a few line-up changes, with only Runal (lead vocals), Dario Lastella (guitar, vocals) and Lino Mesina (drums) still members of the line-up which recorded 2018's 'An Gorta Mor', as well as musical changes, and here they are showing off the depth of their catalogue by including two songs from their early days as If, with the songs being sometimes performed in English and sometimes in Italian. I must praise the booklet as not only are there some nice photos but there is information provided in both Italian and English, as well as lyrics which is somewhat unusual in live releases. Obviously, if one is going to see a band in concert it is normally because one is aware of the material, and there will be certain songs one would like to hear. Also, a band will generally favour their latest album (unless they have so many popular songs it would be difficult to leave them out of a set). However, what I found with this release is that while it will undoubtedly be of great interest to their fans who have stayed with them over the years, to the average listener there is too much variety and change and I found there were certain songs which made no sense to me in the overall context. There is no doubt that opener "MMXX" is a triumph, while "Stendhal Syndrome" is a nice belter which shows the band in a much rockier and different light to the more RPI approach at other times. But I found working through the album quite disjointed, with the sum of the parts feeling less than the parts themselves. I have never been worried about bands singing in different languages so the changing between Italian and English is not a concern, it is more the changing in styles. Given the individual songs are often very good indeed, I am sure this is much more down to personal taste than any fault with the band and there will be a great many who will be delighted to have this available. However, I suggest listen before purchase.

Progtector: February 2025

Related Links:

Ifsounds Melodic Revolution Records


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