ProgressoR / Uzbekistan Progressive Rock Pages


Kevin Kastning & Soheil Peyghambari - 2024 - "The Second Realm"

(47:08; Greydisc)


Here we find Kevin Kastning (36-string double contraguitar, 17-string subcontra guitar, 24-string double subcontraguitar, 30-string contra-alto guitar, 12-string contraguitar) again joining forces with Soheil Peyghambari (bass Clarinet, Bb Clarinet) for the follow-up to their 2021 album, ‘The First Realm’. Kevin is a master musician, also creating and inventing many of his own instruments, and while on the previous release of his I reviewed he played just one stringed instrument and piano, here he is back with many of his own inventions, somehow knowing where all the notes are on each, and knowing what needs to be played to complement the music being delivered by Soheil. Soheil generally provides lengthy notes, while Kevin is producing sounds which at times could easily have come from a harp with wonderful resonance and sustain with so many strings resonating at the same time. Soheil’s sounds are often low in the register, so in many ways there is space between the two musicians yet that is not always the case. There are some bass notes in “The Sphere of Further” which shows Kevin jump beneath Soheil, who provides the constant presence with an almost Arabian sound as Kevin moves between instruments and styles – he also allows Soheil to be there on his own, adding drama and contrast to the overall. They refuse to be bound by convention, and keep moving in their own directions, together yet individual, contrasting in so many ways yet also being part of the same musical journey as they weave their threads together to make something vital and strong. When they completed the sessions for the first album, they agreed this would not be the last time they worked together, and I for one am very pleased to come back for a second as this yet another magical album which is well worth investigating.

Progtector: June 2024

Related Links:

Kevin Kastning Greydisc


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