ProgressoR / Uzbekistan Progressive Rock Pages


Rheinkaos - 2024 - "All My Being Is a Dark Verse"

(19:05; Rheinkaos)


TRACK LIST:                  

1. Beta Religion 10:10
2. The Commencement Fear 8:55


Dimitrios B. - guitars, pads, keyboards
Savaoth - vocals
Thodoris Miskas  - acoustic guitars

Prolusion. Greek band Rheinkaos was formed back in 2007, and released an initial demo the following year. Since then the band kept matters quiet, at least as far as releasing any official material is concerned. In 2024 they were ready with their official debut EP "All My Being Is a Dark Verse", which was self-released by the band in the fall season.

Analysis. While this is a band that appear to identify themselves more towards the extreme metal tradition, for my sake I believe that progressive metal is the better overall description of the landscapes explored on this production. In approach and execution as well as in spirit. The two compositions we get to enjoy here all share some similar core features. First and foremost among these is that these excursions are ever-changing and always developing creations, never standing still in a set arrangement, mood or atmosphere for any elongated amount of time. Ambient escapades and powerful, vibrant passages exist side to side here, with lapses into some classic progressive metal landscapes along the way as well as more bombastic parts closer in line to extreme metal. On occasion reminding ever so slightly of a band like Dimmu Borgir. There is space and room for some electronic metal flirts here too, and even a section that one might describe as incorporating a little bit of an EDM tangent. But on the other side again we also find tasteful elegant displays with more of a sacral character and feel to them, as well as a little bit of a flirt with classic hard rock sounds and expressions. The diversity and variation at hand is just about as much of a presence in the vocals department as in the musical one, with a handful or so of different vocal moods and modes ranging from clean and controlled to raspy and distorted being in use in these two songs and the close to 20 minutes of playtime we get to enjoy here. In my view this is a very promising debut EP by a creative and inclusive band that dares to take on sounds and expressions and mix them about in quite the expressive manner, all the while ensuring that the landscapes explored remain interesting and intriguing. While this diverse approach and execution may come at the cost of overall appeal, this is also one of those creations that comes with a just about guarantee that it will be loved and treasured like a rare gem by the listeners who really get what this band is all about.

Conclusion. While I do fear that this debut EP by Rheinkaos is one that will be lost among so many other creations out there, as will often be the case by relatively unknown bands making their first formal forays as recording artists, those who take the time to give this production a listen might well be pleasantly surprised. I would imagine that those who find the notion of an accessible yet expressive and creative take on the progressive metal tradition that incorporate electronic metal, ambient escapades and extreme metal edges alongside sacral moods and atmospheric laden passages in compositions that are in constant motion towards the next phase to be intriguing should find this EP to be quite the rewarding experience.

Progmessor: February 2025
The Rating Room

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