The great part of Vitaly Menshikov's
conscious life is dedicated to
the arts. In the early '90s, Vitaly
was the columnist of the column
"Music, Literature, & Art" in
the "Uzbekistan's Youth" newspaper.
In the middle of the 1990s, he
worked on UZ-TV, being the author
and presenter of "Rock Prophet",
the program, which was for the
most part dedicated to Progressive
Rock. Vitaly is the author of
two books, "Rock Music" and "Progressive
Rock". Both of them were published
(in 1992 & 1997 respectively)
and distributed all over the CIS.
Since 1998 Vitaly is the editor
of ProgressoR - Uzbekistan Progressive
Rock Pages: an online progressive
music review database. Before
X Religion was formed (in 1997),
Vitaly was a permanent member
of the Progressive Rock band Edgar
Poe. |
Vitaly's favorite Rock bands (click here)
Top-10 Sc-Fi Movies: |
"The Stalker" (USSR, director Andrey Tarkovsky)
2. "Kin Dza Dza" (USSR, George Dahneliya)
3. "Oh Lucky Man" (UK, Lindsey Anderson)
4. "One Million Years B.C." (UK, John Duffy)
5. "Solaris" (USSR, A. Tarkovsky)
6. "The Offering" (Sweden, A. Tarkovsky)
7. "Brazil" (UK, Terry Gilliam)
8. "Mirror For a Hero" (USSR, Vladimir Khotinenko)
9. "Patriotic Comedy" (USSR, V. Khotinenko)
10. "The Thing" (USA, John Carpenter)
Top-10 Sc-Fi Writers: |
1. Arcady & Boris Strugatsky (Russia)
2. Stanislaw Lem (Poland)
3. Philip Dick (USA)
4. Victor Pelevin (Russia)
5. Evgeny Filenko (Russia)
6. Dmitry Lipskerov (Russia)
7. Haruki Murakami (Japan)
8. Patrick O'Leary (USA)
9. William Gibson (USA)
10.Robert Sheckley (USA)
Top-10 Books: |
Bhagavad-Gita "As It Is"
2. "Hodja Nasreddin" (by Leonid Soloviev, USSR/Uzbekistan)
3. "Solaris" (Stanislaw Lem, Poland)
4. "The Doomed City" (Arcady & Boris Strugatsky, USSR),
5. "The Name of the Rose" (Umberto Eco, Italy)
6. "The Damned Kings" (Maurice Druon, France)
7. "Hard-Boiled Wonderland..." (Haruki Murakami, Japan)
8. "Chapaev & Pustota" (Victor Pelevin, Russia)
9. "Master & Margarita" (Mikhail Bulghakov, Russia)
10."Separate Reality" (Carlos Castaneda, USA)
Top-10 Artists: |
Salvador Dali (Spain)
2. Hieronimus Bosch (Holland)
3. Leonardo Da Vinci (Italy)
4. Albrecht Durer (Germany)
5. Roger Dean (UK)
6. Vladimir Finkilstein (Uzbekistan)
7. Rembrandt Van Rein (Holland)
8. Peter Paul Rubens (Holland)
9. Boris Kustodiyev (Russia)
10. Raphael Santi (Italy)
Vitaly's Lyrics