ProgressoR / Uzbekistan Progressive Rock Pages

DETAILED REVIEWS: History of Updates - 2008; 2007

14.XII+ Tr-Ond - 2008 - "Tr-Ond & The Suburban Savages"
14.XII+ Birds & Buildings - 2008 - "Bantam to Behemoth"
14.XII+ Lelio Padovani - 2008 - "Chasing the Muse"
14.XII+ Neil Campbell - 2007 - "Particle Theory"
14.XII+ Neil Campbell - 2008 - "Ghost Stories"
14.XII+ Willowglass - 2008 - "Book of Hours"
14.XII+ Garden Wall - 2008 - "Aliena(c)tion"
14.XII+ Tanger - 2008 - "Mendos Parallelos"
14.XII+ Circusfolk - 2008 - "Making Faces"
14.XII+ DFA - 2008 - "4th"
14.XII+ Jeremy - 2008 - "Alive"
14.XII+ Ragnarok - 2008 - "Path"
14.XII+ Infront - 2005 - "Wordless"
14.XII+ Thork - 2007 - "Nula Jedan"
14.XII+ Mirage - 2008 - "Borderline"
14.XII+ Henriette Kat - 2008 - "Home"
14.XII+ Magnolia - 2008 - "Falska Vager"
14.XII+ Barr - 2008 - "Skogsbo Is the Place"
14.XII+ Rousseau - 2008 - "One Step Up Two Back"
14.XII+ Marc Ceccotti - 2008 - "Sometimes Around Saturn"
9.XI+ Antidepressive Delivery - 2008 - "Chain of Foods" (VM)
9.XI+ Antidepressive Delivery - 2008 - "Chain of Foods" (OB)
9.XI+ Robin Taylor - 2008 - "Isle of Black" (OB)
9.XI+ Robin Taylor - 2008 - "Isle of Black" (VM)
9.XI+ Art Cinema - 2008 - "Art Cinema" (VM)
9.XI+ Art Cinema - 2008 - "Art Cinema" (OB)
9.XI+ Random Touch - 2007 - "Alchemy CD"
9.XI+ Random Touch - 2007 - "Alchemy DVD"
9.XI+ Random Touch - 2007 - "A True Conductor"
9.XI+ Random Touch - 2008 - "A Box & a Word"
9.XI+ Random Touch - 2008 - "Duologue"
9.XI+ Jeremy - 2008 - "Pop Explosion"
9.XI+ Jeremy - 2008 - "Yesterday"
9.XI+ Nosound - 2008 - "Lightdark"
9.XI+ Dyonisos - 2008 - "Ages High"
9.XI+ Odin's Court - 2008 - "Deathanity"
9.XI+ Claude Demet - 2008 - "L'Instinct"
9.XI+ Damon Waitkus - 2007 - "Anxiety"
9.XI+ Jaugernaut - 2005 - "Contra-Mantra"
9.XI+ Andrew Roussak - 2007 - "No Trespassing"
9.XI+ Blackmore's Night - 2008 - "Secret Voyage"
9.XI+ Thieves’ Kitchen - 2008 - "The Water Road"
9.XI+ Makoto Kitayama - 2008 - "Practical Encyclopedia"
9.XI+ Jupiter Society - 2008 - "First Contact & Last Warning"
9.XI+ The Rick Ray Band - 2008 - "Violence Marred By Peace"
5.X+ The Divine Baze Orchestra - 2008 - "Once We Were Born"
5.X+ The D Project - 2008 - "The Sagarmatha Dilemma"
5.X+ Big-Big Train - 2008 - "The Difference Machine"
5.X+ Versus X - 2008 - "Primordial Ocean" (VM)
5.X+ Versus X - 2008 - "Primordial Ocean" (OB)
5.X+ Oblivion Sun - 2008 - "Oblivion Sun"
5.X+ Altair - 1999 - "Fantasias y danzas"
5.X+ Vinc Project - 2008 - "My Story"
5.X+ Sense - 2008 - "Going Home"
5.X+ Zyclope - 2008 - "Tres"
5.X+ Quikion - 2008 - "Kaprico"
5.X+ Majestic - 2008 - "Descension"
5.X+ Yesterdays - 2008 - "Holdfenykert"
5.X+ Jeremy - 2008 - "Glow in the Dark"
5.X+ Scared Bunny - 2008 - "Rockwood"
5.X+ Dorian Opera - 2008 - "No Secrets"
5.X+ Didier Bardin - 2008 - "Le Pouvoir des Pierres"
5.X+ Giallo - 2008 - "One Suite for the Murderer"
5.X+ Believe - 2008 - "Yesterday Is a Friend"
5.X+ Believe - 2008 - "Live DVD"
5.X+ Sylvan - 2008 - "The Show DVD"
5.X+ Sylvan - 2008 - "Leaving Backstage-1"
5.X+ Sylvan - 2008 - "Leaving Backstage-2"
5.X+ Cold Fairyland - 2005 - "Live at the Ark"
5.X+ Cold Fairyland - 2007 - "Seeds on the Ground"
1.IX+ Twin Spirits - 2007 - "The Music That Will Heal the World"
1.IX+ Artificial Light Attraction - 2008 - "Fragile Skin"
1.IX+ Zita Ensemble - 2008 - "ZE2: Quintet Sessions"
1.IX+ La Desoorden - 2005 - "Isla De Los Muertos"
1.IX+ La Desoorden - 2007 - "La Ciudad De Papel"
1.IX+ Audiocracy - 2008 - "Revolution’s Son" (VM)
1.IX+ Audiocracy - 2008 - "Revolution’s Son" (OB)
1.IX+ Dante - 2008 - "The Inner Circle" (OB)
1.IX+ Dante - 2008 - "The Inner Circle" (VM)
1.IX+ Little King - 2008 - "Legacy of Fools"
1.IX+ Signs Of One - 2008 - "Innerlands"
1.IX+ Metaphor - 2008 - "The Sparrow"
1.IX+ Sacrum - 2007 - "Cognition"
1.IX+ Faith - 2008 - "Blessed"
1.IX+ The Chair - 2008 - "The Chair"
1.IX+ Jake Pashkin - 2008 - "Prequel"
1.IX+ Jeremy - 2008 - "Raise of Hope"
1.IX+ Marboss - 2008 - "Electrotherapies"
1.IX+ Blandbladen - 2008 - "I Grevens Tid"
1.IX+ Mike Grande - 2008 - "My Dash between the Numbers"
3.VIII+ The Last Placid Days Of Plenty - 2007 - "Headphone Gallery"
3.VIII+ Days Between Stations - 2007 - "Days between Stations"
3.VIII+ Elegant Simplicity - 2007 - "Too Many Goodbyes"
3.VIII+ Dreamlost - 2007 - "Outer Reality"
3.VIII+ Awacks - 2007 - "The Third Way"
3.VIII+ Myrath - 2007 - "Hope"
3.VIII+ U-Ni - 2007 - "Samadhi"
3.VIII+ Conveniens - 2007 - "Clear"
3.VIII+ Might Could - 2007 - "Wood Knot"
3.VIII+ Marc Ceccotti - 2007 - "Still at Large"
3.VIII+ Nebuleyes - 2007 - "Divine Revolution"
3.VIII+ Eddy Grandjean - 2008 - "Eddiologie 1"
3.VIII+ Various Artists - 2008 - "Treasure Island"
3.VIII+ Greg Sherman - 2008 - "The Road Home"
3.VIII+ Par Lindh Project - 2008 - "In Concert DVD"
3.VIII+ Project Moonbeam - 2007 - "Project Moonbeam"
3.VIII+ Signal To Noise Ratio - 2008 - "Stan Nieustalony"
3.VIII+ Oliver Wakeman - 2008 - "Coming to Town DVD"
3.VIII+ Tinkicker - 2008 - "Soliloquy of the Transparent Boy"
3.VIII+ Jozef Skrzek East Wind - 2007 - "Tryptyk Petersburski"
6.VII+ The Future Kings Of England - 2007 - "The Fate of Old Mother Orvis"
6.VII+ Chest Rockwell - 2007 - "Chest Rockwell Vs the World"
6.VII+ Nema Niko - 2007 - "Meccaniche di Pensiero"
6.VII+ Dave Kulju - 2007 - "Abstract Expression"
6.VII+ Soul Secret - 2008 - "Flowing Portraits"
6.VII+ Lindsey Boullt - 2007 - "Composition"
6.VII+ Under Linden - 2007 - "Under Linden"
6.VII+ Elfferich Four - 2008 - "Eccentricity"
6.VII+ Little Brian - 2007 - "Thrash Funk"
6.VII+ Quidam - 2007 - "Alone Together"
6.VII+ Gargantua - 2007 - "Kotegarda"
6.VII+ Aisles - 2008 - "The Yearning"
6.VII+ Aeryal - 2008 - "Tenganan"
6.VII+ Man On Fire - 2007 - "Habitat"
6.VII+ Simon Says - 2008 - "Tardigrade"
6.VII+ SBB - 2008 - "Four Decades DVD"
6.VII+ Brian Butler - 2007 - "Axuality Vol I"
6.VII+ Pallas - 2008 - "Moment to Moment DVD"
6.VII+ Stephane Lemaire - 2008 - "L'etang de Kukufah"
6.VII+ Rick Van Der Linden - 2003/2008 - "An Ekseptional Trace DVD"
8.VI+ Coda - 1986/2008 - "Sounds of Passion" (VM)
8.VI+ Coda - 1986/2008 - "Sounds of Passion" (OB)
8.VI+ Hannah - 2008 - "A Life in Rock Mirror"
8.VI+ Accordo Dei Contrari - 2008 - "Kinesis"
8.VI+ Scale The Summit - 2007 - "Monument"
8.VI+ Jinetes Negros - 2007 - "Omniem"
8.VI+ Prime Mover - 2007 - "Imperfekt"
8.VI+ Soma Planet - 2008 - "Bholenath"
8.VI+ Galapagos - 2005 - "1979"
8.VI+ Sky - 2000 - "FM Sky Pieces"
8.VI+ Caamora - 2008 - "She DVD"
8.VI+ Invisigoth - 2008 - "Narcotica"
8.VI+ Damage Control - 2008 - "Raw"
8.VI+ Faith2Fist - 2008 - "Revolutions"
8.VI+ Paradox One - 2007 - "Inventing Stars"
8.VI+ Torman Maxt - 2007 - "The Problem of Pain"
8.VI+ Moongarden - 2008 - "Songs from the Lighthouse"
8.VI+ Little Tragedies - 2007 - "Chinese Songs - Part 1"
8.VI+ Little Tragedies - 2007 - "Chinese Songs - Part 2"
8.VI+ Dynamic - 2007 - "A Permanent State of Transformation"
11.V+ The Jason Smith Trio - 2007 - "Tipping Point"
11.V+ Expedition Delta - 2008 - "Expedition Delta"
11.V+ Project Creation - 2007 - "Dawn on Pyther"
11.V+ Andrew Roussak - 2007 - "No Trespassing"
11.V+ Aziola Cry - 2007 - "Ghost Conversations"
11.V+ Third Level Project - 2007 - "Connected"
11.V+ Mind Furniture - 2008 - "Hoop of Flame"
11.V+ Barock Project - 2008 - "Misteriosevoci"
11.V+ Obscura - 2007 - "Le Citto Invisibli"
11.V+ Anton Roolaart - 2007 - "Dreamer"
11.V+ Airportman - 2007 - "Rainy Days"
11.V+ Sean Malone - 2008 - "Cortlandt"
11.V+ Motis - 2008 - "Live Crescendo"
11.V+ Garamond - 2007 - "Quantaltro"
11.V+ Mizukagami - 2008 - "Yugake"
11.V+ Morgbl - 2008 - "Grotesk"
11.V+ Caamora - 2008 - "She"
11.V+ Gurth - 2008 - "Tormentes"
11.V+ Jeremy - 2007 - "New Day Rising"
11.V+ Jeremy - 2008 - "Mystery & Illusion"
11.V+ Man - 1972/2008 - "Be Good to Yourself"
11.V+ Man - 1974/2008 - "Rhinos, Winos, Lunatics"
11.V+ Michael Moorcock - 1975 - "The New World's Fair"
11.V+ Karsten Vogel's Birds Of Beauty - 2008 - "Mean Old Men"
11.V+ Seventh Ocean - 2008 - "The Mysterious Race of Strange Entities"
6.IV+ Radio Massacre International - 2007 - "Rain Falls in Grey"
6.IV+ Poor Genetic Material - 2007 - "Paradise Out of Time"
6.IV+ The Wrong Object - 2007 - "Stories from the Shed"
6.IV+ Jean-Pascal Boffo - 2007 - "La Boite a Musique"
6.IV+ Phideaux - 2007 - "Doomsday Afternoon"
6.IV+ Glass - 2007 - "Live at Progman Comet"
6.IV+ Daisuke Kunita - 2007 - "Fuzzy Logic"
6.IV+ Mirror Snake - 2007 - "Mirror Snake"
6.IV+ Hamadryad - 2007 - "Live in France"
6.IV+ Cosmic Nomads - 2007 - "Vultress"
6.IV+ Satellite - 2007 - "Into the Night"
6.IV+ Kostarev - 2007 - "Works"
6.IV+ Accept - 2007 - "Silver Moon"
6.IV+ The Bad Seeds - 2007 - "Return"
6.IV+ Maestoso - 2007 - "Caterwauling"
6.IV+ Court - 2007 - "Frost of Watermelon"
6.IV+ Vitaly Popeloff - 2005 - "Pure Fiction"
6.IV+ 25-Yard Screamer - 2007 - "Cassandra"
6.IV+ Josiah Wordsworth - 2007 - "Blue State"
6.IV+ Oresund Space Collective - 2007 - "The Black Tomato"
9.III+ The Mahavishnu Project - 2007 - "Return to the Emerald Beyond"
9.III+ Eternal Wanderers - 2008 - "The Door To a Parallel World"
9.III+ Phil Miller & In Cahoots - 2007 - "Conspiracy Theories"
9.III+ Corte Aulica - 2007 - "Il Temporale E l’Arcobalene"
9.III+ Time Of Orchids - 2007 - "Namesake Caution"
9.III+ Feed Forward - 2007 - "Barefoot & Naked"
9.III+ 23 Current - 2007 - "Curve of the Universe"
9.III+ Taylor’s Universe - 2008 - "Soundwall"
9.III+ Evil Dolls - 2008 - "Alien Celestial City"
9.III+ Pathosray - 2007 - "Pathosray"
9.III+ Prisma - 2007 - "Collusion"
9.III+ SBB - 2007 - "The Rock"
9.III+ Ange - 2007 - "Zenith an II" Disc 1
9.III+ Ange - 2007 - "Zenith an II" Disc 2
9.III+ Bonebag - 2007 - "Noli Me Tangere"
9.III+ Heartscore - 2007 - "Many Directions"
9.III+ Heart Of The Sun - 2007 - "Heart of The Sun "
9.III+ Spaced Out - 2007 - "Live at the Crescendo Festival"
9.III+ Spaced Out - 2007 - "Live at the Crescendo Festival" DVD
9.III+ Various Artists - 2007 - "French Electronic Music 1974-‘84"
3.II+ Baraka - 2007 - "VII"
3.II+ Tinyfish - 2007 - "Tinyfish"
3.II+ Imogene - 2007 - "Imogene"
3.II+ Mutyumu - 2007 - "Mutyumu"
3.II+ Arashk - 2007 - "Abrahadabra"
3.II+ Standtall2 - 2007 - "Standtall-2"
3.II+ Graveyard - 2007 - "Graveyard"
3.II+ Quiet Celebration - 2007 - "Sequel"
3.II+ Synchronous Yawn - 2007 - "Cracks"
3.II+ Everwood - 2007 - "The Raven's Nest"
3.II+ Soft Machine - 2007 - "Legacy Steam"
3.II+ Lucifer Was - 2007 - "The Divine Tree"
3.II+ Bedtime Story - 2007 - "Bedtime Story"
3.II+ Yochko Seffer - 2007 - "My Old Roots"
3.II+ Henriette Kat - 2007 - "Orion Symphony"
3.II+ Onsegen Ensemble - 2007 - "HottoizzoH"
3.II+ Vogel & Subramaniam - 2007 - "Meetings"
3.II+ Protos - 2007 - "The Noble Pauper's Grave"
3.II+ The Rick Ray Band - 2007 - "Nothing to Lose"
3.II+ The Gourishankar - 2007 - "2nd Hands" (KW)
6.I+ Elton Dean & The Wrong Object - 2007 - "The Unbelievable Truth"
6.I+ Counter World Experience - 2007 - "Leaving Lotus"
6.I+ At War With Self - 2007 - "Acts of God"
6.I+ Dol Ammad - 2007 - "Ocean Dynamics"
6.I+ Dreadnaught - 2007 - "High Heat &"
6.I+ Dreadnaught - 2007 - "Chin Music"
6.I+ Over Oceans - 2007 - "Alina Luda"
6.I+ Ann Gaytan - 2007 - "Emoi"
6.I+ Minoke - 2007 - "Sangaky"
6.I+ Shinsekai - 2007 - "Shinsekai"
6.I+ Naoki Ishida - 2007 - "Fazing Redust"
6.I+ Junk Farm - 2007 - "Ugly Little Thing"
6.I+ Notabene - 2007 - "Sei Lacrime d'Ambra"
6.I+ Gerard 'Molecule' Verran - 2007 - "Interstellar"
6.I+ Alain Blesing - 2007 - "Songs From the Beginning"
6.I+ One World Tapestry - 2007 - "Prog From Around the World"
6.I+ The Spaghetti Epic II - 2007 - "The Good, the Bad & the Ugly"

ProgressoR / Uzbekistan Progressive Rock Pages