ProgressoR / Uzbekistan Progressive Rock Pages

SHORT REVIEWS: History of Updates - 2010; 2009; 2008

19.XII+ Fibonacci Sequence - "We Three Kings"
21.XI+ Astrovoyager - "Symphotronic Lunation"
24.X+ Voodoo Monkey Child - "Under a Crescent Moon Radio Mixes"
26.IX+ Brett Gleason - "The Resonance"
29.VIII+ Grimlord - "Dolce Vita Sath-an as"
31.VII+ Lelio Padovani - "Electronic"
27.VI+ Marulk - "Marulk"
23.V+ Odder Than 3 - "Odder than 3 " (RTR)
25.IV+ The Living - "Bedd Tracks"
28.III+ Knitting By Twilight - "Riding the Way Back"
28.II+ Leo Project - "Leo Project"
31.I+ Robert Svilpa – "A Fine Line Between"

ProgressoR / Uzbekistan Progressive Rock Pages