Dream Theater - 1997 - "Falling into Infinity" 
When Kevin Moore left, and Derek Sherinian joined Dream Theater (ex-Aice Cooper keyboardist), there isn't now a single Anglo-American! Today the band are: an Italian, a Chinese, a Jew, a Canadian French, and an Armenian. Maybe it was designed so purposely, though if the technical level of Sherinian is good enough for Alice Cooper, it seems it isn't here the right place for him. The album contains 74 minutes of mediocre Protoprog songs, sometimes open poppy,
and to make things worse the Japanese added another 10 minutes of MINI-CD with two poor
pop-bonus tracks. It is very possible, that Neo-Prog-Metal performed on this album with
typical "American" commercial sound, we'll see even in the "Bilboard" charts.
Dream Theater - 1999 - "Scenes from the memories"
Seems the commercial stuff of 1997 was simply a mistake of the band, and what was it to keep apace the obviously weak (ex) keyboardist Derek Sherinian, that former "lamp" (the holder of the keyboard background sound) of Alice Cooper. With their new album the band has fully restored
their good reputation. As for me, the new album, together with "Images and Words" and "Awaken", is one of the strongest in their discography.