ProgressoR / Uzbekistan Progressive Rock Pages

DETAILED REVIEWS: History of Updates - 2003; 2002

21.XII+ Ausia - 2003 - "Kasa-Kasa"
21.XII+ Daimonji - 2003 - "Improg"
21.XII+ Djamra - 2003 - "Transplantation"
21.XII+ Igzit Nine - 2003 - "Igzit Nine"
21.XII+ Morsof - 2003 - "Heap"
21.XII+ Six North - 2003 - "Prayer"
21.XII+ Opus Est - 2003 - "Opus I"
21.XII+ Psicotropia - 2003 - "Psicotropia"
21.XII+ Unoma - 2003 - "Croma"
21.XII+ Jeremy - 2003 - "Fruit Tree" (OV)
30.XI+ Music Station - 2003 - "Shaping"
30.XI+ Fossil - 2003 - "Fossil"
30.XI+ Round House - 1978/2003 - "Jin-Zo-Ni-N-Gen" (OV)
30.XI+ Round House - 1979/2003 - "Wings to Rest" (OV)
30.XI+ Round House - 2001/2003 - "Live in Osaka" (OV)
30.XI+ Inquire - 2003 - "Melancholia I"
30.XI+ Inquire - 2003 - "Melancholia II"
30.XI+ Musicas Geometricas - 2003 - "Musica Electroacustica"
30.XI+ Absolute Zero - 2003 - "Crashing Icons"
30.XI+ Robin Taylor - 2003 - "November" (OV)
16.XI+ Djam Karet - 2003 - "A Night for Baku"
16.XI+ Head Pop Up - 2003 - "Tokusen burari tabi"
16.XI+ Minoke - 2003 - "Takeshina"
16.XI+ Quikion - 1997/2003 - "Hallelujah!"
16.XI+ Shizuka - 2003 - "Sho-ka"
16.XI+ Rick Ray Band - 2003 - "Out of the Mist of Obscurity"
16.XI+ Flight 09 - 2003 - "Forbidden Lullabies"
16.XI+ Syzygy - 1993 - "Cosmos & Chaos" (OV)
16.XI+ Syzygy - 2003 - "The Allegory of Light" (OV)
16.XI+ Three Bands - 2003 - "The Combined Stupidity..."
2.XI+ Kalevala - 2003 - "Progressive Rock Epic" (3CD)
2.XI+ O-U - 2003 - "OU"
2.XI+ A. Tsuboy & N. Kido - 2003 - "Era"
2.XI+ Fox Hole Commune - 2003 - "One Locus..."
2.XI+ Mythologic - 2003 - "Standing in Stillness"
2.XI+ Gratto - 2002 - "Anakin Tumnus"
2.XI+ Standarte - 1998 - "Stimmung"
2.XI+ Sad Minstrel - 2003 - "The Flight of Phoenix"
2.XI+ Poor Genetic Material - 2003 - "Winter's Edge"
2.XI+ Cinnamonia - 2003 - "The Scarlet Sea"
19.X+ Crystal Phoenix - 2003 - "Twa Jorg-J-Draak Saga"
19.X+ Antonius Rex - 1974/2003 - "Neque Semper Arcum"
19.X+ Isildurs Bane - 2003 - "Mind Vol.4: Pass"
19.X+ Foe - 2003 - "Arm Yourself with Clairvoyance"
19.X+ Joel Hoekstra - 2000 - "Undefined"
19.X+ Joel Hoekstra - 2003 - "The Moon Is Falling"
19.X+ John Edmonds - 2003 - "When Schemes Come True"
19.X+ TriPod - 2003 - "Tripod"
19.X+ Cast - 2003 - "Al-Bandaluz" (2CD)
19.X+ KBB - 2003 - "Four Corner's Sky"
5.X+ Akron - 2003 - "Il Tempio di Ferro"
5.X+ Presence - 2001 - "Gold"
5.X+ Universal Totem Orchestra - 1999 - "Rituale..."
5.X+ Campo Di Marte - 1973/1994 - "Campo di Marte"
5.X+ Argenti & Rosa - 2003 - "To the Old Friendship"
5.X+ Thieves' Kitchen - 2003 - "Shibboleth"
5.X+ Neal Morse - 2003 - "Testimony"
5.X+ Jeremy - 2003 - "Pop Dreams" (OV-2)
5.X+ Songs Of The Exile - 2003 - "Time to End"
5.X+ Banda Elastica - 2003 - "Ai Tencargo"
21.IX+ Heartscore - 2003 - "Structures"
21.IX+ Yoke Shire - 2003 - "A Seer in the Midst"
21.IX+ Outer Limits - 1987/1999 - "Scene of Pale Blue"
21.IX+ 4/3 De Trio - 1999 - "Faiblesse"
21.XI+ Tumble Home - 2003 - "Tumble Home"
21.IX+ Yama Yung - 2003 - "Schnieet Won Zayin"
21.IX+ Peter Frohmader - 1994 - "Advanced Alchemy..."
21.IX+ Pacifico - 1972/2003 - "La Bella Epoca"
21.IX+ Litto Nebbia - 1975/2003 - "Fuera del Cielo"
21.XI+ Las Orejas Y La Lengua - 2003 - "Error"
7.IX+ Junky Funk - 2003 - "Bird's Eye Prospects"
7.IX+ Lethean - 2000 - "Lethean"
7.IX+ Iman - 1980/1994 - "Camino del Aguila"
7.IX+ Apocalypse - 2003 - "Refugio"
7.IX+ Eclipse - 2003 - "Jumping from Springboards":
24.VIII+ Blue Drift - 2003 - "Cobalt Coast"
24.VIII+ Snowdonia - 1996/2003 - "Pallas"
24.VIII+ Atoll - 1979/2003 - "Rock Puzzle"
24.VIII+ Dificil Equilibrio - 2003 - "Simetricanarquia"
24.VIII+ Brand X - 1999 - "Timeline" (2CD):
Disc 1 - 1977 - "Live in Chicago"
Disc 2 - 1993 - "Live in New York"
10.VIII+ Cymoryl - 2003 - "Strange Evocation"
10.VIII+ Jade - 2000 - "Jazz Afro Design Electric"
10.VIII+ Textures - 2003 - "Polars"
10.VIII+ Sonic Pulsar - 2003 - "Playing the Universe"
10.VIII+ Brand X - 2003 - "Trilogy" (3CD):
Disc 1 - 1979 - "Live in New York"
Disc 2 - 1992 - "X Communication"
Disc 3 - 1997 - "Manifest Destiny"
3.VIII+ Aviary - 2003 - "Ambition"
3.VIII+ The Addison Project - 2003 - "Mood Swings"
3.VIII+ Heon - 2003 - "Electro-Acoustic Requiem"
3.VIII+ Adachi Kyodai - 2003 - "Adachi Kyodai"
3.VIII+ Mizukagami - 2003 - "Mizukagami"
26.VII+ The Thicket - 2003 - "The Thicket"
26.VII+ Ultime Atome - 2003 - "Dark Visions"
26.VII+ Etron Fou Leloublan - 1982/2003 - "Poumons Gonfles"
26.VII+ Nekropolis 23 - 2003 - "Vol. 1"
26.VII+ Taylor's Free Universe - 2003 - "On-plugged..."
26.VII+ Cold Sky - 1989/2003 - "Live at Be Bop Records"
19.VII+ Tilion - 2003 - "Insolatarimente"
19.VII+ Zaq - 2003 - "Zaq"
19.VII+ Yleclipse - 2003 - "Prime Substance"
19.VII+ Wallack & Segal - 1998 - "Asleep Or Something Else"
19.VII+ Inquire - 2003/1 - "Welcome to My Rock & Roll"
5.VII+ Arch, John - 2003 - "A Twist of Fate"
5.VII+ King's X - 2003 - "Black Like Sunday"
5.VII+ Junky Funk - 1999 - "Jack-in-the-Box"
5.VII+ Palo Alto - 1998 - "Transe Plan"
5.VII+ David Vincent - 1999 - "No Entiendo"
5.VII+ Pataphonie - 1978/2000 - "Le Matin Blanc"
5.VII+ Urban, Robert - 1999 - "Elegies"
5.VII+ Carptree - 2003 - "Superhero"
22.VI+ Chinchilla - 2003 - "Madtropolis"
22.VI+ Fates Warning - 2003 - "The View from Here" (DVD)
22.VI+ Vital Duo - 2003 - "Le Jardin..." (DVD)
22.VI+ Shub-Niggurath - 1986/1997 - "Morts Vont Vite"
22.VI+ Hellebore - 1985/2000 - "Il y a des Jours"
15.VI+ Akacia - 2003 - "An Other Life"
15.VI+ Metaconciencia - 2003 - "Bestiario"
15.VI+ Present - 1993 - "COD Performance"
15.VI+ Shub-Niggurath - 1994 - "Testament"
15.VI+ Edmonds, John - 2002 - "Subzerosonic"
8.VI+ Maschera Di Cera, La - 2003 - "Il Grande Labirinto"
8.VI+ Groovector - 2003 - "Enigmatic Elements"
8.VI+ Khatsaturjan - 2003 - "Aramsome Sums"
8.VI+ Tractor's Revenge - 2003 - "Othello"
8.VI+ Show-Yen - 2003 - "Show-Yen"
1.VI+ Omnia - 2003 - "Hormonal"
1.VI+ Zona, La - 2003 - "Le Notti Difficuli"
1.VI+ Onza - 2003 - "Zona Crepuscular"
1.VI+ Rest In Peace - 2003 - "Evilution"
1.VI+ Wild West - 2003 - "Second to None"
25.V+ EAS - 1994/2003 - "Absolute Presence"
25.V+ Harlequin Mass - 1982/2003 - "Stubborn Puppet"
25.V+ Absurd - 2003 - "Dernieres Sommations"
25.V+ Project Lo - 1997 - "Black Canvas" (OV)
25.V+ Ephel Duath - 2003 - "The Painter's Palette"
18.V+ Forever Sharp & Vivid - 1998 - Same
18.V+ Edhels - 2003 - "Saltimbanques"
18.V+ Balestracci, Franck - 2003 - "Existences Invisibles"
18.V+ Ancestry - 2003 - "Discendenze"
18.V+ Sithonia - 1992/2003 - "Spettacolo Annulato"
18.V+ The Rick Ray Band - 2003 - "Into the Hands of Sinners"
11.V+ Pangaea - 2003 - "A Time & a Peace"
11.V+ Mindgames - 2003 - "International Delight"
11.V+ Gongzilla - 2001 - "Live" (OV)
11.V+ Gongzilla - 2003 - "East Village Sessions" (OV)
11.V+ Spaced Out - 2003 - "Slow Gin"
11.V+ Urban, Robert - 2003 - "Rock Widow"
4.V+ Metamorphosis - 2003 - "After All These Years"
4.V+ Jose Luis Fernandez - 2003 - "Designios"
4.V+ Amon Amarth - 2003 - "Versus the World"
4.V+ Taylor, Robin - 2000 - "Edge of Darkness" (OV)
4.V+ Project Lo - 1995 - "Dabblings In Darkness" (OV)
27.IV+ Octohpera - 2003 - "Bon Amigos"
27.IV+ String Arguments - 2002 - "The Encounter"
27.IV+ Gongzilla - 1996 - "Thrive" (OV)
27.IV+ Luminos - 2003 - "Seize the Day"
27.IV+ Jack Yello - 2002 - "Thorns of Anger"
27.IV+ Ancient Future - 2003 - "Planet Jamming" (Video)
20.IV+ Xitizen Cain - 2002 - "Playing Dead"
20.IV+ Soft Works - 2003 - "Abracadabra"
20.IV+ Netherworld - 1981/2003 - "Netherworld"
20.IV+ Taal - 2003 - "Skymind"
20.IV+ Amarok - 2002 - "Mujer Luna"
20.IV+ Peter Frohmader - 2003 - "Eismeer"
20.IV+ Edition Speciale - 1976/2003 - "Alles des Tilleuls"
20.IV+ Rowe, Hansford - 1999 - "No Other"
20.IV+ Gongzilla - 1995 - "Suffer" (OV)
20.IV+ Taylor, Robin - 1999 - "Heart Disc" (OV)
6.IV+ Budderfly - 2003 - "Budderfly"
6.IV+ BFH - 2002 - "The Gate"
6.IV+ Soniq Theater - 2003 - "A Second of Action"
6.IV+ Taylor, Robin - 1991 - "Essay" (OV)
6.IV+ Taylor, Robin - 1992 - "Cloze Test Terror" (OV)
23.III+ 40 Grit - 2003 - "Nothing to Remember"
23.III+ God Dethroned - 2003 - "Into the Lungs of Hell"
23.III+ Tourniquet - 2003 - "Where Moth..."
23.III+ Wetton, John - 2003 - "Rock of Faith"
23.III+ Taylor, Robin - 1985/2000 - "The Bandbix Tapes" (OV)
16.III+ Oxygene 8 - 2003 - "Poetica"
16.III+ Memory Garden - 2001 - "Mirage"
16.III+ "Osmotic" - 2003 - Compilation
16.III+ Derek Sherinian - 2001 - "Inertia"
16.III+ Ribac, Francois - 1988 - "Musique pour la Scene"
16.III+ Communio Musica - 2000 - "Special Alloy"
9.III+ Anima - 2002 - "Anima"
9.III+ Presas, Julio - 1978/2003 - "Amenciendo..."
9.III+ Falkirk - 2003 - "Magnus Imperium"
9.III+ Snake Eye - 2003 - "Wild Senses"
9.III+ Nazca - 2003 - "The White Wheel"
9.III+ Welton, Craig - 2002 - "Hollywood Hero"
9.III+ It - 2002 - "Rock & Roll"
9.III+ Isildurs Bane - 2003 - "MIND Vol. 3"
26.II+ Anima Mundi - 2002 - "Septentrion"
26.II+ Mindflower - 2002 - "Mindfloater"
26.II+ Engel - 2002 - "Engel"
26.II+ Ribac, Francois - 1992 - "La Nef du Roi Moselle"
26.II+ My Skinny Wonderland - 2002 - "What Went Wrong?"
26.II+ Symphorce - 2002 - "Phorcephul Ahead"
26.II+ Mantra - 2002 - "Roots"
16.II+ Azazello - 2002 - "The Wings"
16.II+ Apryl - 2002 - "Alorcinfusa"
16.II+ The Far Side - 2002 - "Parallelebiped"
16.II+ Olyam - 2002 - "Cristal Reveur"
16.II+ The Rob Sbar Noesis - 2002 - "Wagon Wheels & Atom Bombs"
9.II+ Re: Cooperation - 2002 - "TransCollaboration"
9.II+ Acidente - 2002 - "Technology"
9.II+ Recordando O Vale Das Macas - 1977/2002 - "Nova Floresta"
9.II+ Moon Fog Prophet - 2002 - "Taunting the Bells..."
9.II+ Overhead - 2002 - "Zumanthum"
2.II+ Runaway Totem - 2002 - "Tep Zeti"
2.II+ Etron Fou Leloublan - 1977/2002 - "Les trois fou's perdegagnent"
2.II+ Castanarc - 1984 - "Journey To the East"
2.II+ Musique Noise - 1992/2002 - "Fulmines Integralis"
2.II+ Ashtar - 2002 - "Urantia"
26.I+ Supernova - 2002 - "Lleva el brilo del Sol"
26.I+ Segal, Greg - 1987-2/2002 - "Night Circus-II" (OV)
26.I+ Special Compilation - 2002 - "ProgFever-2"
26.I+ Taylor's Universe - 1998 - "Experimental Health"
26.I+ Colt - 2002 - "From the Fridge"
19.I+ Deep Thought - 2002 - "Somewhere In the Dark"
19.I+ The Vow - 2002 - "Trojan"
19.I+ Ribac, Francois - 2003 - "Qui Est Fou?"
19.I+ Mohodisco - 2002 - "Kaloomith"
19.I+ Heaven's Cry - 2002 - "Primal Power Addiction"
12.I+ Arilyn - 2002 - "Tomorrow Never Comes"
12.I+ Taylor's Universe - 1996 - "Pork" (OV)
12.I+ Segal, Greg - 1986/2002 - "The Fourth of the Three"
12.I+ Xinema - 2002 - "Different Ways"
12.I+ Ashes To Ashes - 2002 - "Cardinal VII"
5.I+ Francois Ribac - 1993 - "Marguerite Ida & Helena Annabel"
5.I+ Taylor's Universe - 1994 - "Taylor's Universe" (OV)
5.I+ MM Circle - 2002 - "Physics of Light"
5.I+ Barra - 1987 - "Eternal Magus"
5.I+ Dogstar Poets - 2002 - "Off-Planet"

ProgressoR / Uzbekistan Progressive Rock Pages