ProgressoR / Uzbekistan Progressive Rock Pages

DETAILED REVIEWS: History of Updates - 2005; 2004

25.XII+ Alan Emslie - 2005 - "Dark Matter" (VM)
25.XII+ Alan Emslie - 2005 - "Dark Matter" (KW)
25.XII+ Roine Stolt - 2005 - "Wall Street Voodoo" (Disc 1)
25.XII+ Roine Stolt - 2005 - "Wall Street Voodoo" (Disc 2)
25.XII+ Arilyn - 2005 - "Virtual Reality"
25.XII+ Djam Karet - 2005 - "Recollection Harvest"
25.XII+ The Rick Ray Band - 2005 - "Temporary World"
25.XII+ Cerebus Effect - 2005 - "Acts of Deception"
25.XII+ Agent Cooper - 2005 - "Beginner's Mind"
25.XII+ Ellipsis - 2005 - "The Nail That Stands Up..."
25.XII+ Robin Taylor - 2005 - "Project '85"
25.XII+ Doracor - 2005 - "Evanescenze"
25.XII+ Project - 2005 - "Name Stolen"
25.XII+ Little Tragedies - 2005 - "Return"
25.XII+ Sombre Reptile - 2005 - "Le Repli des Ombres"
25.XII+ Negative Zone - 2005 - "Negative Zone"
4.XII+ Merge - 1998 - "Merge" (VM)
4.XII+ Merge - 1998 - "Merge" (KW)
4.XII+ Merge - 2005 - "Separate Worlds" (VM)
4.XII+ Merge - 2005 - "Separate Worlds" (KW)
4.XII+ Zero Hour - 2005 - "A Fragile Mind"
4.XII+ Wobbler - 2005 - "Hinterland"
4.XII+ Indukti - 2005 - "S.U.S.A.R."
4.XII+ Secret Oyster - 1975/2005 - "Vidunderlige Kaelling"
4.XII+ Nekropolis 23 - 2005 - "Tidal Shift" DVD
4.XII+ Steve Walsh - 2005 - "Shadowman"
4.XII+ Xcarnation - 2005 - "Grounded"
4.XII+ Nil - 2005 - "Nove Sub Sole"
4.XII+ Kraan - 1988/2005 - "Live '88"
4.XII+ Malibran - 2002 - "Oltre Lignoto"
4.XII+ Discus - 2000 - "1st"
4.XII+ Arion - 2005 - "Arion"
6.XI+ Leger De Main - 2005 - "A Lasting Impression, I"
6.XI+ Leger De Main - 2005 - "A Lasting Impression, II"
6.XI+ Spock's Beard - 2005 - "Gluttons for Punishment, I"
6.XI+ Spock's Beard - 2005 - "Gluttons for Punishment, II"
6.XI+ Jeremy - 2005 - "Home in the Sky"
6.XI+ Jeremy - 2005 - "Lord of Lords"
6.XI+ Odrareg - 2005 - "God's Garden"
6.XI+ Hot Fur - 2005 - "Hot Fur"
6.XI+ Cage - 2005 - "'87/'94"
6.XI+ Metagaia - 2005 - "Phonogenix"
6.XI+ Talisma - 2005 - "Chromium"
6.XI+ Ring of Myth - 2005 - "Weeds"
6.XI+ Kundalini - 2002 - "Asylum for Astral Travelers"
6.XI+ Jane Anfinson - 2005 - "Precious Details"
6.XI+ The Grand Trick - 2005 - "The Decadent Session"
6.XI+ First Band From Outer Space - 2005 - "We're Only..."
16.X+ Glass - 2005 - "Illuminations" (VM)
16.X+ Glass - 2005 - "Illuminations" (KW)
16.X+ Cabezas De Cera - 2005 - "MetalMusica"
16.X+ Cabezas De Cera - 2005 - "Aleaciones Aleatorias"
16.X+ Kraan - 1977/2005 - "Wiederhoren"
16.X+ Kraan - 1982/2005 - "Nachtfahrt"
16.X+ Kalles World Tour - 2003 - "NU"
16.X+ Kalles World Tour - 2005 - "Start"
16.X+ Sieges Even - 2005 - "The Art of Navigating by the Stars"
16.X+ The Underground Railroad - 2005 - "The Origin of Consciousness"
16.X+ Kurt Rongey - 1998 - "That Was Propaganda"
16.X+ Jack Foster III - 2005 - "RaptorGnosis"
16.X+ Tin Scribble - 2005 - "Children of Saturn"
16.X+ Ata D'Arc - 2005 - "Call of Peace"
16.X+ Thirteen Of Everything - 2005 - "Welcome Humans"
25.IX+ Carptree - 2005 - "Man Made Machine" (VM)
25.IX+ Carptree - 2005 - "Man Made Machine" (KW)
25.IX+ Ajalon - 2005 - "On the Threshold of Eternity"
25.IX+ Fred Schneider - 2005 - "Kess Kiss Bass?"
25.IX+ Index - 2005 - "Identidade"
25.IX+ Show-Yen - 2005 - "II"
25.IX+ Karcius - 2005 - "Sphere"
25.IX+ Little Atlas - 2005 - "Wanderlust"
25.IX+ Frogg Cafe - 2005 - "The Fortunate Observer of Time"
25.IX+ Scarlet Thread - 2003 - "Psykedeelisia Joutsenlauluja"
25.IX+ Haikara - 2002 - "Tuhkamaa"
25.IX+ Willowglass - 2005 - "Willowglass"
25.IX+ Alan Emslie - 2003 - "Driven Heavy"
25.IX+ Isildurs Bane et al - 2004 - "Live at Gouveia Art-Rock" DVD
25.IX+ Isildurs Bane - 2005 - "Songs from The Observatory" EP
4.IX+ Kenso et al - 2005 - "Live at Progfest 2000" DVD
4.IX+ Soft Machine - 2005 - "Legacy"
4.IX+ Klimperei - 2005 - "Patamob"
4.IX+ Ptose - 1984/2005 - "Ignoble Limaces"
4.IX+ Thomas Gloenkler - 2005 - "Auszeit"
4.IX+ Poor Genetic Material - 2005 - "Free to Random"
4.IX+ Bauer - 2005 - "Astronauta Olvidado"
4.IX+ Pablo Sangineto - 2005 - "Constelaciones"
4.IX+ Orphan Project - 2003 - "Orphan Found"
4.IX+ Edhels - 1998/2005 - "Universal"
4.IX+ Flight 09 - 2004 - "Human Nature"
4.IX+ Castello Di Atlante - 2004 - "Quintessenza"
4.IX+ Donockley & Bainbridge - 2004 - "From Silence"
4.IX+ A Molotkov - 2005 - "Can You Stay Forever?"
4.IX+ Lelio Padovani - 2005 - "The Big Picture"
14.VIII+ The Fromuz - 2005 - "Playing the Imitation" (VM)
14.VIII+ The Fromuz - 2005 - "Playing the Imitation" (KW)
14.VIII+ Christian Prog Rock - 2005 - "Volume 2"
14.VIII+ Gospel - 2005 - "A Tribute to Jaco Pastorius"
14.VIII+ Tunnels - 2004 - "Art of Living Dangerously"
14.VIII+ Henry Krutzen - 1997 - "Island"
14.VIII+ Sonic Pulsar - 2005 - "Out of Place"
14.VIII+ Pablo El Enterrador - 1983/2005 - "Pablo El Enterrador"
14.VIII+ Lady Lake - 2005 - "Super Clean Dream Machine"
14.VIII+ Kvazar - 2005 - "A Giant's Lullaby"
14.VIII+ Mikromidas - 2005 - "Faunus"
14.VIII+ DesAccordes - 2005 - "Terry Riley's In C"
14.VIII+ Eris Pluvia - 1991 - "Ring of Earthly Lights"
14.VIII+ Teru's Symphonia - 1993 - "Clockworked Earth"
14.VIII+ The Neil Campbell Collective - 2005 - "3 O'clock Sky"
24.VII+ Taylor's Universe - 2005 - "Oyster's Apprentice"
24.VII+ Hamadryad - 2005 - "Safe in Conformity"
24.VII+ Dimension X - 2005 - "So This Is Earth"
24.VII+ Fraktal - 2005 - "Ask the Rabbit"
24.VII+ Elegant Simplicity - 2005 - "Studies in Heartbreak"
17.VII+ The Future Kings Of England - 2005 - Self-titled (VM)
17.VII+ The Future Kings Of England - 2005 - Self-titled (KW)
17.VII+ Art Rock Circus - 2005 - "Tell a Vision" Disc 1
17.VII+ Art Rock Circus - 2005 - "Tell a Vision" Disc 2
17.VII+ Sarah Pillow - 2003 - "Remixes" Disc 1
17.VII+ Sarah Pillow - 2003 - "Remixes" Disc 2
17.VII+ Tadashi Goto - 2005 - "Soundscape"
17.VII+ Molca - 2005 - "Super Ethnic Flavor"
17.VII+ David Hines - 2005 - "Nebula"
17.VII+ Jeremy & Progressor - 2005 - "The Pearl of Great Price"
26.VI+ Metamorphosis - 2005 - "Then All Was Silent" (VM)
26.VI+ Metamorphosis - 2005 - "Then All Was Silent" (KW)
26.VI+ Somascetic - 2005 - "The Violence of Distance" Disc 1
26.VI+ Somascetic - 2005 - "The Violence of Distance" Disc 2
26.VI+ Harry Kapeliaris - 2005 - "Journey to Light"
26.VI+ Steve Howe - 2005 - "Spectrum"
26.VI+ Tomas Bodin - 2005 - "I AM"
26.VI+ Blue Drift - 2005 - "Mariner"
26.VI+ Akacia - 2005 - "The Brass Serpent"
26.VI+ Overhead - 2005 - "Metaepitome"
26.VI+ Pocketful - 2005 - "Sparkling"
26.VI+ Phaesis - 2005 - "Puzzle"
26.VI+ Metabolisme - 1977/2005 - "Tempus Fugit"
26.VI+ Blezqi Zatsaz - 1992 - "The Rise & Fall..."
26.VI+ Instant Flight - 2004 - "Colours & Lights"
5.VI+ Maury E I Pronomi - 2005 - "Escitazioni Neoclassiche"
5.VI+ Groovector - 2005 - "Darklubing at Tavastia"
5.VI+ Parallel Mind - 2005 - "Colossus Adea"
5.VI+ Little King - 2005 - "Virus Divine"
5.VI+ Satellite - 2005 - "Evening Games"
5.VI+ Prime Mover - 2004 - "Alias Drivkraft"
5.VI+ Seismic Cry - 2004 - "The Hopeless Flare"
5.VI+ The Curtain - 2004 - "New Sound Made"
5.VI+ Nema Niko - 2002 - "La Storia dell'Uomo"
5.VI+ Steve Thorne - 2005 - "Emotional Creations"
5.VI+ Retrovertigo - 2005 - "Idejala Esto Triste"
5.VI+ Lu 7 - 2005 - "L'Esprit de l'Exil"
5.VI+ Bandvivil - 2004 - "Junaokissei"
5.VI+ Philippe Cauvin - 1984/2005 - "Memento"
5.VI+ Paradox One - 2004 - "Alternate Reality"
15.V+ Isildurs Bane - 2005 - "MIND Vol 5: The Observatory"
15.V+ Isildurs Bane - 2005 - "MIND Vol 5: Bonus Material"
15.V+ Dreadnaught - 2005 - "Live at Mojo: Disc 1"
15.V+ Dreadnaught - 2005 - "Live at Mojo: Disc 2"
15.V+ Asturias - 2005 - "Bird Eyes View"
15.V+ Exode - 2005 - "D'Ici Et Alleurs"
15.V+ Silo 10 - 2005 - "Silo 10"
15.V+ Dream Aria - 2005 - "In the Wake"
15.V+ Heartscore - 2005 - "Straight to the Brain"
15.V+ The Amber Light - 2005 - "Stranger & Strangers"
24.IV+ 9 On Bali - 2005 - "Kite Hawker on the Beach"
24.IV+ Galileo Brothers - 2003 - "The Dancing Lawn"
24.V+ The Colossus Of Rhodes - 2005 - "Primo Tempo"
24.IV+ The Colossus Of Rhodes - 2005 - "Secondo Tempo"
24.IV+ Gerard - 2004 - "Power of Infinity"
24.IV+ Novox - 2005 - "Novox"
24.IV+ In Nomine - 2005 - "Mythos"
24.IV+ Attica - 2004 - "You Are In Danger"
24.IV+ Garden Wall - 2004 - "Towards the Silence"
24.IV+ Aries - 2005 - "Aries"
24.IV+ Sanity - 2004 - "Live at 22"
24.IV+ Axiom - 2004 - "A Moment of Insanity"
24.IV+ Electric Tiger - 2004 - "Tanzmusic"
24.IV+ Specimen 37 - 2004 - "The Endless Looping Game"
24.IV+ Memoria Zero - 2003 - "Free Sdraio"
3.IV+ Taylor's Free Universe - 2005 - "Family Shot"
3.IV+ Addamanera - 2005 - "Nella Tasea de Il Zio"
3.IV+ Chiave Di Volta - 2005 - "Ritratto Libero"
3.IV+ Pascal Comelade - 1983 - "Back to Schizo"
3.IV+ Christian Richet - 2004 - "Waves"
3.IV+ Present - 1999 - "No 6"
3.IV+ Guapo - 2004 - "Five Suns"
3.IV+ Jeremy - 2004 - "Still Waters"
3.IV+ Djam Karet - 2004 - "No Commercial Potential"
3.IV+ Djam Karet - 2004 - "And Still Getting the Ladies"
3.IV+ Mechanical Poet - 2004 - "Handmade Essence"
3.IV+ Mechanical Poet - 2004 - "Woodland Prattlers"
3.IV+ Chill Fiction - 2004 - "Eggman on the Deuce"
3.IV+ Indrazor - 2004 - "Cocoon to Butterfly"
3.IV+ Aching Beauty - 2004 - "L'Ultima Ora"
13.III+ Runaway Totem - 2004 - "Plemora"
13.III+ SNDCD - 1975/2004 - "O Barulho Aterroriza"
13.III+ SNDCD - 1976/2004 - "Cuidado Com o Verdi"
13.III+ IQ - 2004 - "The 20th Anniversary Show: DVD 1"
13.III+ IQ - 2004 - "The 20th Anniversary Show: DVD 2"
13.III+ In Battle - 2004 - "Welcome to the Battle"
13.III+ Fates Warning - 2004 - "FWX"
13.III+ Mariposa - 2004 - "Nuotando in Un Pesce Bowl"
13.III+ Yohnosago - 2005 - "Descuente"
13.III+ Ritual - 2002 - "Something Strange"
27.II+ Quikion - 2004 - "Ramadan"
27.II+ NLC - 2004 - "Friesengeist"
27.II+ Motis - 2004 - "Prince des Hauteurs"
27.II+ Proto-Kaw - 2004 - "Before Became After"
27.II+ Proto-Kaw - 2004 - "Before Became After Disc 2"
27.II+ Jinetes Negros - 2000/2004 - "Jinetes Negros"
27.II+ Jinetes Negros - 2002/2004 - "Chronos"
27.II+ Rethroheads - 2004 - "Retrospective"
27.II+ Rick Ray - 2004 - "Chainsaw Manicure"
27.II+ Six Feet Under - 2004 - "Graveyard Classics 2"
13.II+ Impious - 2004 - "Hallucinate"
13.II+ Voyager - 2004 - "Element V"
13.II+ Kaos Moon - 2004 - "The Circle of Madness"
13.II+ Black Noodle Project - 2004 - "Life Goes On"
13.II+ Etron Fou Leloublan - 1983/2004 - "Sillons..."
13.II+ Imago - 1978/2004 - "Derriere la Rideau"
13.II+ Cinema - 2004 - "Mindscape"
13.II+ Spaghetti Epic - 2004 - "Six for Six" Disc I
13.II+ Spaghetti Epic - 2004 - "Six for Six" Disc II
13.II+ Finnegans Wake - 2004 - "4th" Disc I
13.II+ Finnegans Wake - 2004 - "4th" Disc II
13.II+ Helmet Of Gnats - 2004 - "Helmet of Gnats"
13.II+ Steve Adams - 2004 - "Camera Obscura"
13.II+ Samuel Jeronimo - 2004 - "Redra Andra"
13.II+ Mordiggan - 2004 - "Metamorphose"
23.I+ Ken's Novel - 2004 - "Domain of Oblivion"
23.I+ Christian Decamps - 2004 - "Murmures"
23.I+ Edition Speciale - 1977/2004 - "Aliquante"
23.I+ Par Lindh - 1994/2004 - "Gothic Impressions"
23.I+ Syrens Call - 2004 - "Emoceans"
23.I+ Ahvak - 2004 - "Ahvak"
23.I+ Trap - 2001 - "Insurrection"
23.I+ The Slowmovies - 2001 - "Egocaine"
23.I+ The Letters - 2004 - "A Tribute to King Crimson"
23.I+ Badirov - 2004 - "Greeting from Nostradamus"
9.I+ Nil & MDC - 2004 - "Live at Gouveia DVD"
9.I+ Maschera Di Cera - 2004 - "In Concerto"
9.I+ Zaal - 2004 - "La Lama Sottile"
9.I+ Imagin'Aria - 2000 - "La Tempesta"
9.I+ Negra Linea - 2004 - "13 Visions"

ProgressoR / Uzbekistan Progressive Rock Pages