ProgressoR / Uzbekistan Progressive Rock Pages

SHORT REVIEWS: History of Updates - 2022;
2021;2020;2019;2018;2017;2016; 2015; 2014; 2013; 2012; 2011; 2010; 2009; 2008; 2007


29.XII+ Crooked Royals - "Quarter Life Daydream"
29.XII+ Ovus - "Lucid"
29.XII+ Postcards From New Zealand - "Pfnz VII: Liminal Space"
29.XII+ Andrew Roussak - 鼎rossing the Line"
29.XII+ Beledo - "Seriously Deep"
29.XII+ Ghost Rhythms - 鉄pectral Music"
30.XI+ Imaginaerium - "The Rise of Medici"
30.XI+ Melanie Mau & Martin Schnella - "Invoke The Ghosts"
30.XI+ Temple of Switches - 擢our"
30.XI+ Robby Steinhardt - "Not In Kansas Anymore (A Prog Opera)"
30.XI+ Temple of Switches - 典he Wings of Mind"
30.XI+ Temple of Switches - 滴elium Parade"
30.XI+ Temple of Switches - 典emple of Switches"
31.X+ Deaton Lemay Project - "The Fifth Element"
31.X+ Flash - "In The USA: Live Recordings 1972-73"
31.X+ PolarisRadio - "Legend of the Broken Claw"
31.X+ Across The Sea - "The Wayfarer Triptych"
31.X+ Arlekin - 典he Secret Garden"
31.X+ Gandalf's Fist - "Decennium"
31.X+ Kornmo - "Fimbulvinter"
31.X+ Magma - 摘skahl 2020"
31.X+ Octarine Sky - "Close to Nearby"
31.X+ Pili Coit - "Love Everywhere"
31.X+ Osibisa - "Sunshine Day: The Boyhood Sessions (50th Anniversary Edition)"
31.X+ Orphaned Land - "Unsung Prophets & Dead Messiahs"
30.IX++ Babal - "Who Will I Be When I Leave?"
30.IX+ Crystal Palace - "Still There"
30.IX+ Cyril - "Amenti's Coin. Secret Place Pt. II"
30.IX+ Knekklectric - "Alt Blir Verre"
30.IX+ Laura Catrani - 天ox In Bestia"
30.IX+ John Shirley & Jerry King - "Escape from Gravity"
30.IX+ Arts - "Find a Way"
30.IX+ Colouratura - 釘lack Steeple Church"
30.IX+ Compassionizer - "An Ambassador in Bonds"
30.IX+ Cyan - "For King And Country"
30.IX+ Electric Tapestry - "The Origins EP"
30.IX+ Enslaved - "Caravans to the Outer Worlds"
30.IX+ Fractal Mirror - "Beyond Borders"
30.IX+ Gong - "Live At The Gong Family Unconventional Gathering"
30.IX+ Harpo Jarvi - "Abuelo Blanc"
30.IX+ Hidden People - 鼎omment S'Etaient-Ils Rencontres?"
30.IX+ Premiata Forneria Marconi - "I Dreamed of Electric Sheep"
30.IX+ Red Sand - "The Sound of the Seventh Bell"
30.IX+ Steve Hackett - "Surrender of Silence"
30.IX+ The Fierce And The Dead - "Part 1 / On VHS"
30.IX+ Tom Slatter - 摘scape"
30.IX+ Vespero - "Songo"
31.VIII+ Big Big Train - "Welcome To The Planet"
31.VIII+ Oliver Birch - "Burning Daylight"
31.VIII+ Six by Six - "Six by Six"
31.VIII+ The Bardic Depths - "Promises of Hope"
31.VIII+ Big Big Train - 鼎ommon Ground"
31.VIII+ Castanarc - "The Sea Of Broken Vows"
31.VIII+ City Weezle - "No.2"
31.VIII+ Giant Sky - 敵iant Sky"
31.VIII+ Great North Star - "Great North Star"
31.VIII+ Dusan Jevtovic & Vasil Hadzimanov - "Duo"
31.VIII+ Manna/Mirage - "Man Out Of Time"
31.VIII+ Nektar - "Sounds Like Swiss"
31.VIII+ Pakt - "Pakt"
31.VIII+ Pakt - 鏑ive in Pawling"
31.VIII+ Pinhdar - "Parallel"
31.VIII+ Tamarisk - 鉄uspended Animation"
31.VIII+ TDW - "Fountains"
31.VIII+ Marcelo Paganini - "Identity Crisis"
31.VIII+ Superfjord - "For The Moment, Vol. 1"
31.VIII+ 3RDegree - "3RTY. From A to Xanadu"
31.VIII+ Solstice - 撤rophecy"
31.VIII+ Poor Genetic Material - "Spring Tidings" [2021 Edition]
31.VIII+ Bubblemath - "Such fine Particles of the Universe"
31.VIII+ Akasha - "Akasha"
31.VII+ Alan Parsons - "From the New World"
31.VII+ Alan Parsons - "One Note Symphony: Live In Tel Aviv"
31.VII+ Ben Woods - "Dispeller"
31.VII+ Bubblemath - "Turf Ascension"
31.VII+ Peter Goalby - 的 Will Come Runnin�"
31.VII+ Ryo Okumoto - "The Myth Of The Mostrophus"
31.VII+ Silver Hunter - 笛ardin Nippon"
31.VII+ Zan Zone - "Start Where You Stand"
31.VII+ Alan Parsons - "The NeverEnding Show: Live in the Netherlands"
31.VII+ Beautiful Bedlam - "Beautiful Bedlam"
31.VII+ Christopher Scott Cooper - "This World"
31.VII+ Devin Townsend - "Devolution Series #2. Galactic Quarantine"
31.VII+ Leprous - "Aphelion"
31.VII+ Mick Paul - 撤arallel Lives"
31.VII+ Peter Goalby - "Easy With The Heartaches"
31.VII+ Plenty - 摘nough"
31.VII+ Sendelica - "And Man Created God"
31.VII+ The Neal Morse Band - "Innocence & Danger"
31.VII+ Andres Guazzelli - "Atypical"
31.VII+ The Grand Astoria - "From the Great Beyond"
31.VII+ New Sun - "Damage Done Redux"
31.VII+ Zlurad - "Vo Blago Zlu"
31.VII+ Circuline - 鼎ounterpoint"
31.VII+ IWKC - "Cargo Cult"
31.VII+ New Sun - 典ransitory"
31.VII+ Evil Bear Boris - "Das ist Boris"
31.VII+ I Will Kill Chita - "Before We Disappear"
31.VII+ IWKC - "Urban Fears"
31.VII+ New Sun - "Affects"
31.VII+ New Sun - "Fractured"
30.VI+ Art Griffin's Sound Chaser - "The Seven Ages Of Starlight"
30.VI+ Capital Theatre - "A Hero's Journey"
30.VI+ Daymoon - "Erosion"
30.VI+ Gayle Ellett & The Electromags - "Shiny Side Up"
30.VI+ Returned To The Earth - 擢all Of The Watcher"
30.VI+ Robert Berry痴 3.2 - "Alive at ProgStock"
30.VI+ Stealphish - 哲o Road To Shadesmar"
30.VI+ The Steve Bonino Project - "Pandora"
30.VI+ Twelfth Night - "Smiling At Grief.... Revisited"
30.VI+ Bastian Per - "Way Back Home"
30.VI+ cHoclat FRoG - "Snapshot"
30.VI+ Dario and the Clear - "Optic Nerve"
30.VI+ Dennis DeYoung - "26 East, Vol. 2"
30.VI+ Head with Wings - 鼎omfort in Illusion [Expanded Edition]"
30.VI+ Hibernal - "Repentance"
30.VI+ Mahogany Frog - 的n The Electric Universe"
30.VI+ North of South - "The Tides in Our Veins"
30.VI+ Raphael Weinroth-Browne - "Worlds Within Live"
30.VI+ There Is No Time - "There Is No Time"
30.VI+ Timelock - "...Stay Awake..."
30.VI+ Tom Newman - "A Faerie Symphony II"
30.VI+ Ton Scherpenzeel - "Velvet Armour"
30.VI+ Various Artists - 鏑a Fete de la Musique"
30.VI+ Realisea - "Mantelpeace"
30.VI+ Salva - 鄭 Thousand Ways to Disappear"
30.VI+ Tubular World - "Tubular Bells"
30.VI+ Star Control - "Mark I"
30.VI+ After Forever - "After Forever"
31.V+ Cafe Fistfight - "Mourning Brew"
31.V+ Clint Bahr - "Puzzlebox"
31.V+ Lobate Scarp - "You Have It All"
31.V+ Jon Durant & Stephan Thelen - "Crossings"
31.V+ Magenta - 鄭ngels and Damned" ["20th Anniversary Show"]
31.V+ PsychoYogi - "Digital Vagrancy"
31.V+ Red Bazar - 鼎onnections" [2020 Edition]
31.V+ Roz Vitalis - "Confortate Gli Abbattuti Live"
31.V+ Levin / Minnemann / Rudess - "LMR"
30.IV+ Envy Of None - "Envy Of None"
30.IV+ No Broadcast - "Lie In Orbit"
30.IV+ t - "Pareidoliving"
30.IV+ 4th Eden - "Metamorphosis"
30.IV+ Big Hogg - "Pageant Of Beasts"
30.IV+ Cary Heuchert - "Hourglass"
30.IV+ Chain Reaktor - "Homesick"
30.IV+ Daniel Eliseev Project - "Lost Humanity"
30.IV+ Davey Dodds - "The Rite of Spring"
30.IV+ Derev - "Leap of Faith"
30.IV+ Eternal Return - "Once Only"
30.IV+ Joe Jackson / Todd Rundgren / Ethel - "State Theater New Jersey 2005"
30.IV+ Perfect Storm - "No Air"
30.IV+ Robert Jurjendal - "Water Finds a Way"
30.IV+ Various Artists - "True Colours, New Colours"
30.IV+ Zorbonauts - "The Unobserved Beaver"
30.IV+ Clouds Can - "Leave"
30.IV+ Jan Schelhaas - "Ghosts of Eden"
30.IV+ Cromwell - "Black Chapter Red"
30.IV+ Comedy Of Errors - "Spirit"
30.IV+ Iona - "Edge of the World. Live in Europe"
30.IV+ Discipline - "Unfolded Like Staircase"
29.III++ Apocalypse - "The Castle"
29.III+ Captain Of The Lost Waves - "Mysterium Tremendum"
29.III+ Jethro Tull - "The Zealot Gene"
29.III+ Judge Smith - "Old Man in a Hurry"
29.III+ Kaprekar's Constant - "The Murder Wall"
29.III+ Lords of Form - "Flying Chromium Society"
29.III+ Marillion - "An Hour Before It's Dark"
29.III+ Time's Forgotten - "Shelter"
29.III+ Jack Dupon - "La Republique Dominicale du Zoo"
29.III+ Jeffrey Erik Mack - "The Forgotten Earth"
29.III+ Joe Macre - "Bullet Train"
29.III+ Kevin Kastning & Soheil Peyghambari - "The First Realm"
29.III+ Kevin Kastning - "Convergence II"
29.III+ Laura Meade - "The Most Dangerous Woman in America"
29.III+ Nine Skies - "5.20"
29.III+ Paradise 9 - "Science Fiction Reality"
29.III+ Gryphon - "Get Out Of My Father's Car!"
29.III+ Mystery - "Caught in the Whirlwind of Time"
29.III+ Mula - "Resiliente"
29.III+ Paradise 9 - "Live at The Amersham Arms SheepDog Bash"
28.II+ Built - "We've Been Hoping You'd Wake And Now You Have"
28.II+ Clive Mitten - "Tales From A Misspent Youth, Volume I"
28.II+ Gramsci - "The Hinterlands"
28.II+ Lana Lane - "Neptune Blue"
28.II+ Pencarrow - "Live at San Fran"
28.II+ Time Horizon - "Power of Three"
28.II+ Anthony Beard - "Les Contes De Nulle Part"
28.II+ Billie Bottle & The Multiple - "The Other Place"
28.II+ Clive Mitten - "Suite Cryptique: Recomposing Twelfth Night 1978 - 1983"
28.II+ Dave Bainbridge - "To The Far Away"
28.II+ Epica - "Omega"
28.II+ Epica - "Omega Alive"
28.II+ Eyesberg - "Claustrophobia"
28.II+ Focus - "Focus 50"
28.II+ Frost* - "Day And Age"
28.II+ Intelligent Music Project - "VI: The Creation"
28.II+ Jerry King and Bret Hart - "Oblique Observations"
28.II+ John Holden - "Circles in Time"
28.II+ Kali Trio - "Loom"
28.II+ Karmamoi - "Room 101"
28.II+ Kayak - "Out Of This World"
28.II+ League of Lights - "Dreamers Don't Come Down"
28.II+ Machine Mass Sextet - "Intrusion"
28.II+ Saga - "Symmetry"
28.II+ Stephan Thelen - "Fractal Guitar 2"
28.II+ Sylvan - "One to Zero"
28.II+ Various Artists - "Head Rush"
28.II+ Light - "The Miracle Of Life"
28.II+ The C:Live Collective - "The Age Of Insanity"
28.II+ Dando Shaft - "Shadows Across the Moon"
31.I+ 3.2 - "Third Impression"
31.I+ Carl Weingarten - "Ember Days"
31.I+ Cast - "Vigesimus"
31.I+ Checking For Echo Project - "Life & Other Short Stories. Vol. 1"
31.I+ Ciccada - "Harvest"
31.I+ Clive Nolan - "Song of the Wildlands"
31.I+ Nad Sylvan - "Spiritus Mundi"
31.I+ Nolan & Wakeman - "Tales By Gaslight"
31.I+ Clive Nolan and Oliver Wakeman - "Dark Fables"
31.I+ RPWL - "God Has Failed.Live and Personal"
31.I+ Simon McKechnie - "Retro"
31.I+ Srdjan Ivanovic Blazin' Quartet - "Sleeping Beauty"
31.I+ Thumbscrew - "Never Is Enough"
31.I+ Trettioariga Kriget - "Till Horisonten"
31.I+ Various Artists - "Fanfare For The Uncommon Man. The Official Keith Emerson Tribute Concert"
31.I+ Andrew Colyer - "Mists of Time"
31.I+ Meadows - "Modern Emotions"
31.I+ Rick Miller - "Unstuck In Time"
31.I+ Robert Reed - "Cursus 123 430"
31.I+ Tiger Moth Tales - "The Whispering Of The World"
31.I+ Todd Rundgren - "A Wizard A True Star... Live!"
31.I+ Unquiet Music Ltd - "In The Name Of... (A Prayer For Our Times)"
31.I+ Vasko Atanasovski Adrabesa Quartet - "Phoenix"
31.I+ Perfect Era - "Beneath The Clouds We Dream"
31.I+ Orion - "Le Survivant"
31.I+ Peter Matuchniak - "Destiny"
31.I+ Bomis Prendin - "Confidential"

Short Reviews from the 'Vault'

ProgressoR / Uzbekistan Progressive Rock Pages