ProgressoR / Uzbekistan Progressive Rock Pages

SHORT REVIEWS: History of Updates - 2013;
2012; 2011; 2010; 2009; 2008; 2007

22.XII+ Blank Manuskript - "A Profound Path"
22.XII+ Silver Key - "In the Land of Dreams"
24.XI+ Red Bazar - "After the Ice Storm"
27.X+ Altare Thotemico - "Sogno Errando"
27.X+ Mantric Muse - "Mantric Muse"
29.IX+ Three Seasons - "Understand the World"
25.VIII+ Barr - "Atlantic Ocean Blues"
25.VIII+ Sideburn - "IV Monument"
28.VII+ Salma Gandhi - "The Quest for Nonsense Never Ends"
28.VII+ Dirty Passion - "In Wonderland"
30.VI+ Master Experience - "Billions of Grains"
26.V+ John Orsi - "A Room for the Night"
21.IV+ Osanna - "Rosso Rock"
17.III+ Mangala Vallis - "Microsolco"
17.II+ Lazy Doll - "Let the Profit Roll"
17.II+ Nichelodeon - "No"
20.I+ Court - "Twenty Flying Kings"

Short Reviews from the 'Vault'

ProgressoR / Uzbekistan Progressive Rock Pages