Dear readers and visitors of! As some of you may have noticed, we haven't been able to post as many reviews in 2016 as in previous years. We currently have one primary reviewer, and for 2016 other aspects of life rather dominated his life in ways that made it harder to produce as much material as previously. Olav suffered a condition called Burnout back in 2015, and at the start of this year he started the adjustment to going back to working full time in his paid profession. This was a rather demanding task, which did affect the amount spare time he had available for writing. Due to the aforementioned illness Olav also chose to move out from the city and settled in rural Norway in the early summer of 2016, the sale of his apartment, the purchase of a house, the process of moving as well as getting hold of craftsmen for needed repair of his new house - a process that further cut away at time normally set aside for writing. Also, Olav was unlucky enough to break his leg - ankle to be precise - in mid November 2016. He is still recovering from the surgery that was needed after that accident, but has now slowly gotten to the point where some writing can be done again. Vitaly has been ill too - very ill, in fact. We do take all promos submitted to us seriously, but sometimes life gets in the way. 2016 has been a year where life was rather more cumbersome than usual in that context. If chance and life allow us, we will be more productive in the 12 months ahead of us. Our best wishes for a good 2017 for all our readers, as well as all artists, promo agents and labels that have submitted or will submit material for review.
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Selected, edited & published by Vitaly "Progressor" Menshikov